Maize Harvesters
Self-propelled Maize combine harvester KP-4 “PALESSE MS2” is designed for harvesting corn cobs in the stage of full ripeness of grain with moisture up to 25% with the following technological operations.
- cut stalks with chopping and scattering leafy stalk around the field.
- separation of cobs from stalks, cleaning of cobs from wrappers, collection of peeled cobs in a bunker.
Technical Specification
Type of Maize Harvesters
Maize Harvester MS2
Self-propelled Maize combine harvester MS2 “PALESSE MS2” is designed for harvesting corn cobs in the stage of full ripeness of grain with moisture up to 25% with the following technological operations.
Maize Harvester MS3
Self-propelled Maize combine harvester MS3 “PALESSE MS3” is designed for harvesting corn cobs in the stage of full ripeness of grain with moisture up to 25% with the following technological operations.